Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Storytelling through Movies

Some people believe that movies aren't the same anymore, not with the newfound animation and special effects. But at the same time, new movies do tell stories. No matter how you format a movie, it is ultimately based off of stories and stories alone. Good movies cannot make do without them, which is why movies are still good today. We have people with names like Jackson, Speilberg, Lucas and Cameron; that all share the same love for filmaking. For the wonder of creating something entirely different. These different nuances are spurred by man's dream. Filmaking itself is spurred because of dreams. Without a dream then the story wouldn't exist. Do you think Tolkein could have envisioned Middle Earth without of an idea of it, without a deam or vision? It couldn't have been done, it couldn't have been feasible. The idea had to have come from an initial vision that then spurred the creation. So ask yourself, in movies today are dreams embodied? The answer to that is: yes. Just because a movie might be set in a special effects world such as Pandora doesn't mean that it wasn't created by some whim. Cameron dreamed of it and created it. And for that, we have movies.